Okay...I'm damn fucking lagging !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:C !
OMG LARH ! Laglaglag >:C
Currently crapp-ing with Bubble aka Ryan on FB :D !
Okay...Lemme tell you about today E=
Left house around....1.30
Then, MRT to....Dhoby Ghaut .
I going up escalator, saw FABIAN .
I too shy go to him and wait with him . LOL .
So....I out of thh tap card thingy alr, went to stand at one of the other pillars .
Then, few minutes of waiting, CH suddenly appear infront of Fabian -.- !
So, I think CH askedd Fabian where the rest....
Then Fabian pointedd at me :3
I saw lor .
Then, I no choice but to walk to them :D
The boys crapped about for a few minutes...
Then, Celyn and her friend came :D !
I just realisedd....Fabian de Crumpler de blue same as the blue on my striped blouse :B
Jazel said she coming at 3
So, we waited for Yi Hui and Andy .
Andy came first...
He was walking to me, then suddenly turn and walk towards Fabian & CH -.- !
Please lah, Andy .
We waited for awhile for Yi Hui...
Then, went to buy the tickets .
Btw, we went to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks :3
They din have seats for 8 people for the 3.10 de , 4.30 one also bo .
So, we took the 5.20 one . LOL
Then...when we bought the tickets, it was like....2.30 . WDF .
CH, Fabian, Celyn, Celyn's friend and Andy haven't eat .
So, we went to thh food court :D
The girls sat at 1 table, the guys sat at another :D
At around 3, Jazel came alr .
She came to sit with us...
Then, she busy looking at the boys table ;hoho
Celyn said she can't wait to see CH ;hoho !
Then...after everyone ate, we decided to go Otaku House :B
Andy said: HAH ? Tako house ?
We went Otaku House, saw Vongola Rings :B !
I bought thh set with Hibari's Tonfas, Reborn's Bullet, Mukuro's Staff and thh 7 rings :D
$25.90 LOL .
I usedd my 50 bucks :B
After Otaku House, we went to Cube .
The boys dunno went where, then they came to Cube 5 minutes laterr .
Celyn and her friend din wanna play, so they went to Bishan . LOL
Jazel, CH, Fabian, Andy, me and Yi Hui went to play .
We played for 1 hour :D
But, the comps were seperate :C
Then, mine and Yi Hui de comps couldn't work .
So the guy changedd it for us .
Then...I was sitting near Andy, Fabian and CH . Lol .
Din know where Jazel was....
So, we played awhile .
Then Tabbeh...He wanted to AHEM with me .
Buddhen...I in Cube .
Can't AHEM larh -.-
Cause, people can see de :3
Sorry hor, Tabbeh :C
Playedd abit...
Then, til 1 hour up..
Fabian kept going toilet :B
Then, we went to 7-11 .
While taking the lift down to 1st floor, something happen .
CH right, he was leaning against the buttons...
Then, his body accidentally press against the call button .
So, someone said over the speaker: Hello ?
CH:Hello ? Yes ? Hello .
Fabian:Nothing wrong, just now this guy he go accidentally press the button .
Then everyone was laughing like mad :B
CH:Wah, sia dao wo :B
Okayy...Blah blah blah .
Then, we went to thh cinema .
Celyn's best friend went in, then...Celyn, CH, Jazel, Andy, Fabian, Me(;hoho), Yi Hui .
Okay..Then, during the advertisements....
Fabian say he want sleep .
So, he took out his earphones...then, he pluggedd it into his iPhone .
So...He was listening to his songs .
Then, I heard him singing abit :B .
I hear hor...I wanna laugh like siao person alr ;hoho .
Haaas, sorry Fabian .
Okay, then we watchedd the movie..
Fabian beside me hor -.- !!!!!! lah .
He keep move here move there .
Damn irritating :3 .
Then...blah blah blah .
Movie end .
Fabian was hungwy .
So, went to Mac .
Celyn and her best friend went some place else.
Yi Hui gtg .
Then, left Jazel, Andy, CH, Me and Fabian .
We went....Mac .
THey ate...
Then blah blah blah .
The boys crapp-edd .
Then, Fabian wanted to go toilet lol .
Then blah blah blah .
.Then all go home .
Then now I posting .
Back from Plaza Sing !