Hellloooooo . I'm gonna blog about my 1st & 2nd day of school at Assumption English School xD
1st day :
Woke up like at...5.45am...
Damn tireddddd lor !
I was soooo worriedd I'd be late..
So, I saidd in my mind when I woke up: What the fuck, sure gonna be late le lor . Sai larh .
I was like...doing breathing exercises to calm myself down...
Then, boarded bus to interchange with parents .
Walkedd to Bus 178...Finally remembered the number .
And we waited for 20 minutes for the damned bus -.-
I damn pekchek siol >:C
Then, bus come alr, we boarded...
Sat in it .
Then, I textedd BBT abit, told him I was nervous..
He ask me don't worry
Then we texted abit more...
Then, we went down the bus...
Had to go over thh overhead bridge, BLAHBLAHBLAH .
Went to hall .
Rarr rarr rarr .
Most of them were there alr....
Idk why hor...James keep tio sit beside me -.-"
Registration sit beside me..
Then 1st day also beside me ...
Idiot sia -.-
I irritated by the sight of James' face alr, LOLOLOLOLOLOL .
Okayy, then, we din do much stuffs .
Was in thh hall til 9 something .
The Mr Toh or wdv keep talk talk talk .
DM, Mr Taufik .
Firm but fair ;make .
Okay, after the Mr Toh talk til our butts ache, we FINALLY, went back to class .
Went back to class, blah blah blah .
Then, arrangedd our seats, teacher, not us .
Then, blah blah blah .
Teacher name: Miss Raine Seah Hui Ling .
She'll be taking our class for Geography ;make .
Okay, then Recess .
I too scared to eat any of the food, so I just bought Pokka Green Tea .
I din finish the whole bottle, so I threw it out . ;hoho .
Okay, we went to the hall .
Then went back to class with the teacher .
We were all damn shy...So, yearh, din talk much .
And then, teacher had to do some admin stuffs .
So, she gave us time to talk ...
Then, damn weird larh
First time I hear a teacher give us time to TALK .
Haas . Then, we never talk .
So, blah blah blah .
Then lunch .
Has mee soto for lunch .
The soto damn weak siol .
Aka, no taste at all .
Okay, fast forward .
Then, had thh idiot Amazing Race .
I was soo FUCKING tiredd larh .
Okayy, so...I lazy post 2nd day le .
And, I gtg .
So...BYE ;lub .